Soviet strength operation Uranus.



 The strength of the Soviet Forces on the 3 Fronts on 20 November 1942

1= South West Front (1) 3= Stalingrad Front (2)
2= Don Front 4= The 3 Fronts (3)


Total 1
In Combat
Units 1

Total 2
In Combat
Units 2

Total 3
In Combat
Units 3

Total 4
In Combat 
Units 4
Men  338.631  275.504  292.707  185.565  383.961  258.633  1.015.299  719.702
Rifles  191.020  166.234  159.330  124.846  176.957  142.867     527.307  433.947
Submachine Guns   27.081  25.634 29.902 18.144 37.799 35.366 84.782 79.144
 Machine Guns                
 Light  5.143 4.791 4.160 3.647 5.587 5.037 14.890 13.475
Heavy  1.802 1.741 1.843 1.756 2.264 2.203 5.909 5.700
 Heavy caliber  622 581 374 348 463 395 1.459 1.324
 Total  7.567 7.113 6.377 5.751  8.314  7.635 22.258 20.499
Antitank Rifles  6.280 6.195 5.733 5.545 5.649 5.037 17.662 16.777
 45 mm AT guns*  740 728 581 532 986 945 2.307 2.205
 76 mm Field  974 963 838 829 1.185 1.141 2.997 2.933
 107 mm & up  487 486 419 412 372 368 1.278 1.266
 Total 2.201 2.177 1.838 1.773 2.543 2.454 6.582 6.404
120 mm 541 532 444 418 624 599 1.609 1.549
 82 mm 1.828 1.793 2.010 1.885 1.506 1.449 5.344 5.127
 50 mm 1.932 1.846 1.483 1.336 1.178 1.077 4.593 4.259
 Total  4.301  4.171 3.937 3.639 3.308 3.125 11.546 10.935
 Antiaircraft Guns                
 76 - 85 mm  45 45 53 53 245 245 343 343
 25 - 37 mm 278 276 133 133 287 273 698 682
 Total 323 321 186 186 532 518 1.041 1.025
 Guards Mortars                
BM-8/BM-13  148 148 147 147 145 145 440 440
 M-30 480 480 288 288 192 192 960 960
 Total  628 628 435 435 337 337 1.400 1.400
Heavy  145 145 43 42 49 49 237 236
 Medium 318 316 67 65 357 354 742 735
 Light  267 262 70 59 244 218 581 539
 Total 730 723 180 166 650 621 1560 1510
 Armored cars 99 93 38 20 181 164 381 277
Vehicles 14.529 8.599 12.003 4.383 14.881 7.750 41.413 20.732
 Tractors 792 477 864 498 1.001 626 2.657 1.601
 Horses 69.003 62.752 44.915 28.078 55.691 39.398 169.609 130.228

(1) Excluded are 4th and 6th Guards Rifle Corps (35th, 38th, 41st, 44th Guards and
195th Rifle divisions, and 40th and 42nd Guards Artillery Regiments) which did not
start to arrive with the 1st Guards Army until after November 21, 1942.

(2) In the composition of the Stalingrad Front are included all men and arms available
on November 20, including the forces of the 28th Army around Astrakhan,
the 300th Rifle Division in the reserves of the front, and the 77th, 115th, and 156th
Fortified Regions, which were deployed on the small islands and left bank of the Volga.
Also included are the forces of the Stalingrad PVO. Omitted from the totals are the forces
of the Volga River Flotilla because in November 1942, only two gunboats - "Usyskin"
and "Chapaev" -were operational, as the rest had been stored for the winter on
November 1, 1942.  Also not included were the 87th and 315th Rifle Division's,
which did not arrive until November 23-24.

(3) In general, the number of tanks for the three fronts includes all models that were in
good repair (heavy KV, medium T-34, light T-60, and T-70) as well as older model tanks
(BT-7) T-26, T-37, and T-38). In the composition of the Southwestern Front are indicated
113 medium and 50 light tanks of the 1st Guards Mechanized Corps, which were in the
reserves of the front and thus did not take part in the November offensive. In the composition
of the Stalingrad Front are included tanks of the 28th Army (70 units) and also the recently
returned 85th Tank Brigade and the 35th and 166th Independent Tank
Regiments (125 units), which were all in the reserves of the front on November 20. In some
works the number of tanks in the composition of the three fronts is given as 984.
This figure does not include light T-60 tanks, older models (BT and T-26), and tanks of the
28th Army, the 85th Tank Brigade, and the 35th and 166th Independent Tank regiments of
the Stalingrad Front and the 1st Guards Mechanized Corps of the Southwestern Front.

Source: "Kontrnastuplenie pod Stalingradom v tsifrakh (operatsiia 'Uran'),"
Voenno isloricheskii zhumal 3 (1968): 67, table 2.

Battle for Stalingrad, the 1943 Soviet General Staff Study.
Edited by Louis Rotundo.