Heroes of the Soviet Union (at Stalingrad)

The total number of persons who were awarded this title is 12,745 (twenty people have been stripped of this title due to various circumstances). The great majority of them received it during World War II (11,635 Heroes of the Soviet Union, 101 twice Heroes, 3 three time Heroes, and 2 four-time Heroes). Sixty-five people were awarded the title for actions related to the First Afghan War, which lasted from 1979 until 1989.

The first recipients of the award were the pilots Anatoly Liapidevsky (certificate number one), Sigizmund Levanevsky, Vasily Molokov, Mavriky Slepnyov, Nikolai Kamanin, Ivan Doronin and Mikhail Vodopianov, who participated in the successful aerial search and rescue of the crew of the steamship Cheliuskin, which sank in Arctic waters, crushed by ice fields, on February 13, 1934. Valentina Grizodubova, a female pilot, was the first woman to become a Hero of the Soviet Union (November 2, 1938) for her international women's record for a straight-line distance flight. Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, a Soviet partisan, was the first woman to become a Hero of the Soviet Union during World War II
(February 16, 1942), posthumously.
2 101 people were to receive the award twice. A second award entitled the recipient to have a bronze bust of his/her likeness with a commemorative inscription erected in his home town.Two famous Soviet fighter pilots, Aleksandr Pokryshkin and Ivan Kozhedub were three Heroes of the Soviet Union. A third award entitled the recipient to have his/her bronze bust erected on a columnar pedestal in Moscow, near the Palace of the Soviets, but the Palace was never built.After his release from serving a 20-year sentence in a Mexican prison for the assassination of Leon Trotsky, Ramon Mercader moved to the Soviet Union in 1961 and was awarded the Hero of the Soviet Union medal from the then head of the KGB Alexander Shelepin.The only individuals to receive the title four times were Marshal Georgy Zhukov and Leonid Brezhnev. The original statute of the Hero of the Soviet Union, however, did not provide for a fourth title; its provisions allowed for a maximum of three awards regardless of later deeds. Both Zhukov and Brezhnev received their fourth titles under controversial circumstances contrary to the statute, which remained largely unchanged until the award was abolished in 1991. Zhukov was awarded a fourth time "for his large accomplishments" on the occasion of his 60th birthday on December 1, 1956.
 There is some speculation that Zhukov's fourth Hero medal was for his participation in the arrest of Beria in 1953, but this was not entered in the records. Brezhnev's four awards further eroded the prestige of the award because they were birthday gifts, on the occasions of his 60th, 70th, 72nd and 75th birthdays. Such practices halted in 1988 due to a decision of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, which formally ended it.

By the 1970s, the award had been somewhat devalued. Important political and military persons had been awarded on the occasions of their anniversaries rather than for any immediate heroic activity.

All Soviet cosmonauts, starting from Yuri Gagarin, as well as foreign citizens who participated in Soviet cosmic program as cosmonauts, received Hero award for each flight (but no more than twice).

Apart from individuals, the title was also awarded to twelve cities (Hero City) as well as the fortress of Brest (Hero-Fortress) for collective heroism during the War.

The last recipient of the title "Hero of the Soviet Union" was a Soviet diver, Captain of the 3rd rank Leonid Mikhailovich Solodkov on December 24, 1991 for fulfillment of a special diving task. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, this title was succeeded in Russia by the title "Hero of the Russian Federation", in Ukraine by "Hero of Ukraine" and in Belarus by "Hero of Belarus". Azerbaijan's successor order is that of National Hero of Azerbaijan and Armenia's own hero medal is that of National Hero of Armenia, both modeled on the Soviet one.

The award was established on April 16, 1934, by the Central Executive Committee of the Soviet Union. The first recipients of the title originally received only the Order of Lenin, the highest Soviet award, along with certificate (грамота, gramota) describing the heroic deed from the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Because the Order of Lenin could be awarded for deeds not qualifying for the title of hero, and to distinguish heroes from other Order of Lenin holders, the Gold Star medal was introduced on August 1, 1939. Earlier heroes were retroactively eligible for these items.

A hero could be awarded the title again for a subsequent heroic feat with an additional Gold Star medal and certificate. An additional Order of Lenin was not given until 1973. The practice of awarding the title multiple times was abolished by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1988 during perestroika.

Many foreign citizens were awarded the title.

The title was also given posthumously, though often without the actual Gold Star medal given.

The title could be revoked only by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet.

Taken from : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hero_of_the_Soviet_Union


Heroes of the Soviet Union at Stalingrad.

1) Sergeant Nyrken Abdirov -
 March 31 1943
Pilot 808th Assault Airregiment, 267th Assault Airdivision

2) Junior Lieutenant Boris Alekseev -
 March 31 1943
Deputy Commander 2nd squadron, 808th Assault Airregiment, 267th Assault Airdivision

3) Captain Aleksey Aluluchin -
 August 24 1943
Squadron commander 19th Guards Fighting Airregiment

4) Lieutenant Vladimir Alkidov -
 August 12 1943
Commander flight 434th Fighting Airregiment

5) Captain Sultan Ametkhan -
 August 24 1943
Squadron commander 9th Guards Fighting Airregiment

6) Captain Ivan Andreev -
 December 31 1942
Commander flight 2nd Guards Airregiment Long-distance Action

7) Lieutenant Nikolay Andreev -
 November 5 1942
Platoon commander 1st Tank Battalion, 6th Guards Tank Brigade

8) Senior Lieutenant Alexander Aniskin -
 February 22 1943
Pilot 32nd Guards Airregiment, 210th Fighting Airdivision

9) Captain Nikolay Archipov -
 September 28 1943
Squadron commander, 32nd Fighting Airregiment, 256th Fighting Airdivision

10) Lieutenant colonel Azi Aslanov -
 December 22 1942
Commander 55th Independent Tank Regiment

11) Captain Vasily Babkov -  November 23 1942
Navigation officer 334th Fighting Airregiment

12) Senior Lieutenant Andrew Baklan -
 November 23 1942
Commander flight 434th Fighting Airregiment

13)Senior Lieutenant Michael Baranov -
 August 12 1942
Commander flight 183rd Fighting Airregiment

14) Political instructor Vechaslav Bashkirov -
 February 8 1943
Commissar squadron, 788th Fighting Airregiment, 102nd Fighting Airdivision

15) Lieutenant colonel Peter Belik -
 February 14 1943
Commander 8th Independent Motorcycle Regiment

16) Major Chechiko Bendeliani -
 August 24 1943
Navigation officer 54th Guards Fighting Airregiment

17) Lieutenant Ivan Bibishev -
 August 24 1943
Deputy squadron Commander, 59th Guards Assault Airregiment

18) Junior sergeant Peter Boloto -
 November 5 1942
Squad leader Anti-tank rifles, 84th Guards Regiment, 33rd Guards Rifle Division

19) Senior Lieutenant Aleksey Borodin -
 May 1 1943
506th Attack Airregiment, 226th Assault Airdivision

20) Senior Lieutenant Boris Bustruch -
 November 5 1942
Commander flight 99th Bomber Airregiment

21) Major Nikolay Varchuk -
 September 28 1943
Commander 737th Fighting Airregiment

22) Lieutenant colonel Nikolay Vlasov -
 November 23 1943
Surveyor of Fighting Aircraft Air Force Red Army

23) Junior sergeant Nikolay Vayluch -
 September 23 1943
Radio operator tank KV, 91st Tank Brigade

24) Captain Boris Garin -
 February 4 1944
Squadron commander 617th Assault Airregiment, 291st Assault Airdivision

25) Political instructor Innokentiy Gerasimov -
 November 5 1942
Commissar company Anti-tank rifles, 101st Guards Regiment, 35th Guards Rifle Division

26) Lieutenant Nikolay Glazov -
 May 1 1943
Deputy squadron commander, 31st Guards Fighting Airregiment

27) Lieutenant Peter Gnido -
 May 1 1943
Squadron commander, 13th Fighting Airregiment, 201st Fighting Airdivision

28) Lieutenant Alexander Golovnenkov -
 March 31 1943
Tank commander T-34, 139th Tank Regiment, 13th Tank Brigade

29) Senior Lieutenant Viktor Golubev -
 August 12 1942
Commander flight , 285th Assault Airregiment

30) Lieutenant Gregory Gultayev -
 February 8 1943
Deputy squadron commander, 788th Fighting Airregiment

31) Senior sergeant Gregory Danilov -
 May 1 1943
Pilot 807th Assault Airregiment, 206th Assault Airdivision

32) Lieutenant colonel Michael Diasamidze -
 December 22 1942
Commander 1378th Rifle Regiment, 87th Rifle Division

33) Lieutenant Ivan Dokykin -
 February 14 1943
Deputy squadron commander, 504th Assault Airregiment

34) Senior Lieutenant Eugene Dranishev -
 August 24 1943
Deputy squadron commander, 9th Guards Fighting Airregiment

35) Captain Gennady Dubenok -
 August 24 1943
Squadron commander, 53rd Guards Fighting Airregiment

36) Lieutenant Peter Dumchenko -
 February 14 1043
Deputy commander 1st squadron, 629th Fighting Airregiment

37) Lieutenant Eugene Evseev -
 February 8 1943
Pilot 629th Fighting Airregiment, 102nd Fighting Airdivision

38) Major Ivan Emelaynov -
 August 24 1943
Commander 622nd Assault Airregiment, 214th Assault Airdivision

39) Corporal Afanasiy Ermakov -
 November 5 1942
Machineguner 716th Rifle Regiment, 157th Rifle Division

40) Captain Vasily Efremov -
 May 1 1943
Squadron commander, 10th Guards Bomber Airregiment

41) Senior Lieutenant Fedor Zhigalin -
 September 8 1943
Squadron commander, 299th Assault Airregiment, 290th Assault Airdivision

42) Junior Lieutenant Vasily Zaichwv -
 February 22 1943
Sniper 1047th Rifle Regiment, 284th Rifle Division

43) Major Vladimir Zemlaynski -
 November 5 1942
Commander 622nd Assault Airregiment, 228th Assault Airdivision

44) Captain Ruben Ibarryri -
 August 22 1956
Commander machine-gun company, educational batallion, 35th Guards Rifle Division

45) Political instructor Nikolay Iliun -
 February 8 1942
Sniper 1st company, 50th Guards Rifle Regiment, 15th Guards Rifle Division

46) Junior Lieutenant Gavriil Kalinin -
 March 31 1943
Tank commander T 34 441st Independent Tank Battalion, 110th Tank Brigade

47)Krasnoarmeyets Iliay Kaplynov -
 October 26 1943
Rifleman Anti-tank rifles 260th Guards Regiment, 86th Guards Rifle Division

48) Lieutenant Nikolay Karnaichonok -
 November 23 1942
Commander flight 434th Fighting Airregiment

49) Lieutenant Ivan Klimenko -
 February 4 1943
Commander Tank Company 152nd Tank Battalion, 69th Tank Brigade

50) Senior Lieutenant Arkady Kovachevich -
 May 1 1943
Squadron commander, 9th Guards Fighting Airregiment

51) Captain Nikolay Kozlov -
 February 14 1943
Squadron commander, 778th Fighting Airregiment, 102nd Fighting Airdivision

52) Senior Lieutenant Ivan Korolkov -
 February 8 1943
Commander Tank Company KV 133rd Tank Brigade

53) Senior Lieutenant Nikolay Kochetkov -  November 5 1942
Squadron commander 686th Assault Airregiment, 206th Assault Airdivision

54) Captain Andrew Krypin -  May 1 1943
Navigation officer squadron 99th Bomber Airregiment

55) Captain Alexander Kuznetchov -
 December 2 1942
Commander 1st Battalion 119h Guards Regiment, 40th Guards Rifle Division

56) Senior Lieutenant Michael Kuznetchov -
 February 14 1943
Company commander 622nd Guards Rifle Regiment, 50th Guards Rifle Division

57) Captain George Kuzmin -
 April 28 1943
Squadron commander, 239th Fighting Airregiment, 235th Fighting Airdivision

58) Junior Lieutenant Vladimir Lavreninkov -
 May 1 1943
Deputy squadron commander, 9th Guards Fighting Airregiment

59) Senior Lieutenant Nikolay Lebedev -
 February 4 1943
Aide-de-camp 152nd Tank Battalion, 69th Tank Brigade

60) Captain Stepan Lobanov -
 March 31 1943
Squadron commander 807th Assault Airregiment, 206th Assault Airdivision

61) Senior Lieutenant Ivan Lubaynetzky -
 March 31 1943
Commander 322nd Tank Battalion, 115th Tank Brigade

62) Captain Valentin Markov -
 January 28 1943
Squadron commander 512th Fighting Airregiment, 220th Fighting Airdivision

63) Lieutenant Ivan Malozemov -
 April 21 1943
Commander Tank company KV 5th Separate Heavy Tank Regiment

64) Senior Lieutenant Ivan Manoilov -
 March 31 1943
Deputy squadron commander, 774th Fighting Airregiment

65) Senior Lieutenant Alexander Martunov -
 August 12 1942
Deputy squadron commander, 296th Fighting Airregiment

66) Lieutenant Vladimir Michael -
 May 18 1943
Commissar Rifle company 128th Rifle Regiment, 29th Rifle Division

67) Junior Lieutenant Alexander Molodchiy -
 December 31 1942
Deputy squadron commander, 420th Bomber Airregiment

68) Captain Ivan Motorny -
 January 28 1943
Commander 512th Fighting Airregiment, 220th Fighting Airdivision

69) Major Vasily Naidenko -
 April 21 1943
Commander 126th Fighting Airregiment

70) Lieutenant Aliksey Naymov -
 September 23 1943
Tank commander T-34 344th Tank Battalion, 91st Tank Brigade

71) Major Peter Naymov -
 August 24 1943
Pilot - surveyor 201st Fighting Airdivision

72) Captain Michael Nechaev -
 February 14 1943
Commander 2nd Tank Battalion, 130th Guards Tank Brigade

73) Junior sergeant Peter Norichun -
 September 23 1943
Commander gun of the tank KV 344th Tank Battalion, 91st Tank Brigade

74) Sergeant Khanpasha Nuradilov -
 April 17 1943
Commander machine-gun platoon 5th Guards Cavalry Division

75) Major Vladimir Ovchinikov -
 March 31 1943
Deputy commander 113rd Guards Regiment, 38th Guards Rifle Divisions

76) Senior sergeant Dmitry Pavlov -
 April 17 1943
Platoon commander 3rd Rifle Battalion, 812nd Rifle Regiment, 67th Guards Division

77) Captain Sergey Pavlov -
 February 8 1943
Commander tank company KV 2nd Tank Battalion, 133rd Tank Brigade

78) Sergeant Yakov Pavlov -
 June 27 1945
Commander machine-gun detachment 42nd Guards Regiment, 13rd Guards Rifle Division

79) Sergeant Igor Pengasis -
 April 28 1945
Commander gun 73rd Guards Rifle Regiment, 25th Guards Rifle Division

80) Lieutenant colonel Timofey Pozolotin -
 December 26 1942
Commander 17th Independent Tank Regiment, 1st Guards Mechanized Corps

81) Lieutenant colonel Ivan Polbin -
 November 23 1942
Commander 150th Bomber Airregiment

82) Lieutenant colonel Gregory Provanov -
 February 4 1943
Commander 69th Tank Brigade

83) Sergeant Vasily Prokatov -  March 31 1943
Squad leader 1st Battalion, 1180th Rifle Regiment, 350th Rifle Division

84) Major Stephan Prutkov -
 May 1 1943
Commander 504th Assault Airregiment, 226th Assault Airdivision

85) Major Anatoly Pushkin -
 August 12 1942
Commander 52nd Bomber Airregiment, 76th Summary Airdivision

86) Captain Alexander Reshitov -
 May 1 1943
Commander 1st squadron, 31st Fighting Airregiment, 268th Fighting Airdivision

87) Captain Boris Rivkin -
 August 24 1943
Squadron commander, 54th Fighting Airregiment, 1st Fighting Airdivision

88) General - Lieutenant Aleksey Rodin -
 February 7 1943
Commander 1st Guards Tank Corps

89) Lieutenant Gayas Romaev -
 January 10 1944
Platoon commander reconnaissance, 128th Guards Regiment, 72nd Guards Division

90) Major Ivan Rubin -
 August 24 1943
Navigation officer 148th Fighting Airregiment, 287th Fighting Airdivision

91) Senior Lieutenant Vasily Savelev -
 May 1 1943
Commander flight 32nd Guards Airregiment, 210th Fighting Airdivision

92) Junior Lieutenant Konstantin Savelev -
 February 8 1943
Tank commander KV, 1st Tank Battalion, 133rd Tank Brigade.

93) Captain Zachar Semenuk -
 January 28 1943
Pilot - surveyor 220th Fighting Airdivision

94) Lieutenant colonel Nikolay Sergeev -
 March 31 1943
Commander 20th Guards Tank Regiment, 3rd Guards Fighting Brigade

95) Junior sergeant Nikolay Serdukov -
 April 17 1943
Squad leader 44th Guards Regiment, 15th Guards Rifle Division

96) Lieutenant Ivan Sergeantov -
 August 24 1943
Pilot 268th Fighting Airregiment, 19th Guards Fighting Airdivision

97) Major Aleksey Serov -
 September 28 1943
Navigation officer 508th Fighting Airregiment, 205th Fighting Airdivision

98) Senior Lieutenant Michael Smilsky -
 May 1 1943
Squadron commander 504th Assault Airregiment, 226th Assault Airdivision

99) Captain Aleksey Smirnov -
 November 5 1942
Squadron commander 99th Bomber Airregiment

100) Starshina Viktor Smirnov -
 February 8 1943
Pilot 629th Fighting Airregiment, 102nd Fighting Airdivision

101) Starshina Pavel Smirnov -
 September 23 1943
Mechanics - driver of the tank KV 91st Tank Brigade

102) Senior Lieutenant Aleksey Solomatin -
 May 1 1943
Squadron commander 296th Fighting Airregiment, 269th Fighting Airdivision

103) Krasnoarmeyets Kursubay Spitaev -
 April 17 1943
Canonir 13rd Artillery Battalion, 61st Cavalry Division

104) Junior Sergeant Elena Stempkovsky -
 May 15 1946
Radio operator 76th Rifle Division

105) Lieutenant Nikolay Stolayrov -
 February 8 1943
Squadron commander 629th Fighting Airregiment, 102nd Fighting Airdivision

106) Junior Lieutenant Yakov Strizhenko -
 April 21 1943
Platoon commander heavy tanks 14th Separate Tank Regiment

107) Krasnoarmeyets Boris Terentiev -
 February 14 1943
Machineguner 619th Rifle Regiment, 203rd Rifle Division

108) Captain Yakov Toporkov -
 May 1 1943
Navigation officer 689th Assault Airregiment, 206th Assault Airdivision

109) Captain Aleksey Turikov -
 May 1 1943
Navigation officer 99th Bomber Airregiment, 223rd Bomber Airdivision

110) Captain Fedor Tulenev -
 May 1 1943
Navigation officer 225th Assault Airregiment, 226th Assault Airdivision

111) Senior Lieutenant Fedor Fedorov -
 February 8 1943
Deputy squadron commander 629th Fighting Airregiment

112) Senior sergeant Yakov Fefilov -
 August 27 1943
Platoon commander 222nd Guards Regiment, 72nd Guards Rifle Division

113) Colonel Nikolay Filipenko -
 February 14 1943
Commander 19th Tank Brigade

114) Lieutenant colonel George Filipov -  February 14 1943
Commander 14th Motorized-Rifle Brigade

115) Senior Lieutenant Vladimir Khazov -
 November 5 1942
Commander tank company 235th Tank Battalion, 6th Tank Brigade

116) Senior sergeant Viktor Khazov -
 May 24 1943
Pilot 686th Assault Airregiment, 206 Assault Airdivision

117) Senior Lieutenant Nikolay Kharitonov -
 May 1 1943
Deputy squadron commander 520th Fighting Airregiment

118) Senior sergeant George Khachin -
 February 8 1943
Gunner 45mm Anti-tank gun 149th Rifle Brigade

119) Sergeant Michael Khvastantzev -
 December 2 1942
Platoon commander 43rd Guards Artillery Regiment

120) Lieutenant Aleksey Kholzynov -
 May 1 1943
Deputy squadron commander 32nd Guards Airregiment

121) Junior Lieutenant Peter Khydov -
 September 18 1943
Deputy squadron commander 867th Fighting Airregiment

122) Captain Vsevolod Shirayev -
 February 8 1943
Commander 1st Squadron 806th Assault Airregiment

123) Senior Lieutenant Iliay Shyklin -
 October 26 1943
Battery commander 172nd Guards Artillery Regiment, 79th Guards Division

124) Captain Aleksey Udin -
 September 28 1943
Squadron commander 183rd Fighting Airregiment, 294th Fighting Airdivision

125) Lieutenant Vasily Yanizky -
 August 12 1942
Deputy commander 1st Squadron 52nd Bomber Airregiment


1) Sergeant Feodosy Ganus -
 June 19 1996 Charging of tank KV, 344th Tank Battalion, 91st Tank Brigade.

2) Natalia Kachuevskaja -
 May 12 1997 Medical assistant 105th Guards Rifle Regiment, 34th Guards Rifle Division