American aid to the Russians.
When the war began in 1939 the United States was
extremely suspicious of
Russian attitudes, and the attack on Finland
brought American antipathy to
such a high level that a volunteer corps of Americans
was formed to fight the
Russians. But when Hitler attacked Russia in
the summer of 1941 the
American attitude changed overnight, and Russia
became "our gallant ally."
Lend and lease to the Russians began in August
1941, four months before
the U.S. entered the war. By November 1941 President
Roosevelt had
granted a loan of billion dollars to finance Lend
Lease deliveries.
The amount of assistance kept growing. By the
fall of 1942 the Americans
planned to deliver 4.5 million tons of supply
to the Russians by the spring
of 1943.

American lend lease jeep in
Stalingrad captured by the Germans
American policy toward Russia was far more open
handed than British
policy. The British warned the Americans that
Stalin would take over
all of Eastern Europe unless checked, but Roosevelt
wanted Stalin to enter
the war against Japan, and to join the United
Nations organization which
he believed would curb Russian ambitions.
Therefore American policy began to diverge sharply
from British policy in
1943 and continued to diverge until the end of
the war in Europe.
From the beginning of the attack on Russia, Stalin
called for Allied
assistance and a second front to be established
in Western Europe to take
pressure of the Russians. Thereafter he was unremitting
in his clamor for
that second front, and was unimpressed and ungrateful
when the Americans
and British gave him his second front in North
Africa, in the autumn of 1942.
Throughout the war Stalin and his officials kept
pressing for more Allied
assistance, but told the Russian people virtually
nothing about it. Still, the
appearance of American jeeps and trucks and aircraft
could not be denied,
and the Russians people had a pretty good knowledge
of the extent of
American an British assistance during the war.