20. Roumanian Infanterie
Division with Infanterie Regiments 82, 83, and 91, Artillery
Regiments 31, and 40. The other reporting units took the divisional
number of "20.": The 20th Transmissions, Pioneer, Police,
Reconnaissance, Anti-Aircraft, Anti-Tank, Sanitary, and Ambulance
Companies etc.
Beginning on November 22, 1942 the
Divisional HQ were in the Basargino railway station (with the 82nd
Infantry Regiment reporting to the German 297th Infantry Division
and the 83rd and 91st Infanterie Regiments to the German 71st and
297th Infanterie Divisions in the North of Zibenko).
On November 23rd all the
regiments were withdrawn and replaced by German Units. On November
26th the Division's Units were divided into small units which were
integrated into the German Divisions of the 4th Army Corps and
directly under the command of German officers. Just before January
13, 1943 the Divisional HQ moved close to PITOMNIK.