28 June 1942 :
the start of the German Summer Campaign.(Operation Blue)
Start of Operation
Blue (map 4).
Von Weichs 2nd Army and the Hungarian second Army with 4th
Panzer Army are moving in the
direction of Voronezh. 24th Panzer Division crosses the Tim
river and Ksjen river and is running
straight to Voronezh. The Soviet Command beliefs that Moscow is
still the objective.
At the village of Jefrossinowka, on their way to Voronezh, units
of the 24th Panzer Division are
ready to attack the 40th Russian Army. The staff of the 40th
Russian Army has left, leaving the
Army behind.
The start of Operation Blue
for 6th Army and XXXXth Panzer Corps. They also move in
direction of Voronezh and are attacking the Soviet front. 24th
Panzer Division is half way to
Voronezh. A big counterattack, led by General Fedorenko (head of
the Panzer Units)against
Hoth's 4th Panzer Army, is a complete failure.